Sometimes appliances need new belts, new switches, or new control boards. Other times your appliance needs to be completely replaced due to pest infestations. But, yup, sometimes all we need to do is repair a single wire. Sometimes some simple rewiring is the only issue. With both new and old appliances, wires are vulnerable to wire damage. If your older fridge has been working well for over a decade, for example, and then it suddenly stops working then it could be a single wire causing the issue. It could be the fan, or the fan motor, or it could be a single wire. We say that because that's literally sometimes the case, and you won't know until a specialist looks at it. Ovens, freezers, dishwashers, and all other types of home appliances all have many crucial wires weaving throughout their circuit boards and control switches. How can you turn your dryer on if a wire connected to the ON button has fallen out due to mildew, rat bites, or spider nests? We've seen mice colonies living in refrigerators, so a chewed wire repair is nothing new to us, but it might surprise some people when they realize how simple and affordable their fridge repair cost will be. We'll give you more examples, and share some recent photos, of how and when a single wire made the difference between an appliance working or not. It's often not that easy to detect, but broken wires are one thing we look for because there is the slight chance, just like in a computer or in a vehicle, that a single wire could be causing enough malfunction to cause errors in its systems and therefore make it not work as intended. In a car, a single frayed wire to the oxygen sensor can cause rough idling. In a freezer, a single wire can make one part of the freezer get colder than the other. We've seen it happen! Wires and electronics work in weird ways, and if you jiggle this and jiggle that it probably won't fix the problem but if an experienced appliance repairman looks at your broken fridge or oven then - slap! - there's about a 8.07% chance it could be a single wire. We're just saying... Most household appliances will have dozens of wires in them. If your appliance is not working due to a wire issue, the problem isn't always easy to find. It's one of the things we look for when inspecting an appliance at the site. If we a see a wire that is disconnected during the diagnosis and all we need to do is re-plug it, we'll repair it on site and the customer will only pay our one time diagnosis fee, which is $90 (it was $75 before the pandemic, more on that in a future post), and then the appliance will work like new again, all because a single wire was reconnected! Isn't that an interesting aspect of the appliance repair industry? If you suspect something might be wrong with your appliance, have a professional look at it today, because you won't know until a proper diagnosis is made. We don't recommend kneeling down to scrounge for an unplugged wire DIY or anything. We're just saying, that in our experience in the field at least, single wires being the culprit of appliance malfunctions is not so farfetched, and so we thought it might be interesting information to share with a local Victorian who has never thought much about fixing appliances before, so, again, thanks for reading. Sometimes we can work out what the issue might be over the phone; other times the problem isn't so simple, and we want to share some of those experiences too. We serve the Greater Victoria, Saanich Core, and surrounding areas on the mid island and, if your appliance isn't working due to a single wire being disconnected or frayed, then we'll fix it, like we would no matter what the problem might be.
Thanks for reading! What would appliance repair look like 1000 years in the future? A 21st-century expert appliance repairman tries to explain... First of all, we have to assume humans will still be around in 1000 years in order for appliances to still exist. Seeing smiles while helping people every day in the year 2024, and considering how long humans have been around already, it's actually easy for me at least to assume humans will still be kicking around in the year 3034, but what would appliance repair look like? Perhaps the next question to ask would be if humans would still even have appliances in 1000 years, let alone a need to even repair them. After fixing appliances for 36 years and counting, I definitely think humans will have a need for appliances no matter how technologically advanced we get. I often have time to think about this subject when I'm at work. I see washers and dryers and wonder how long it will take before these two appliances can be melded into one appliance that washes, dries, and folds your clothes for you. I suspect it might be another twenty years before some mad inventor figures out a way to combine a washer and a dryer into one appliance, sort of like how we've already combined fridges with ice makers, but so long as humans wear clothes made out of fabric then fabric washing machines will be necessary, unless of course we invent clothes that somehow wash themselves... While I'm thinking about the future of appliance repair, I'm usually also imagining what my grandson would look like when he's fully-grown and operating the business in my stead. That might be another twenty years from now, but I bet his day-to-day will look extremely different than mine. In twenty years, appliance repair companies could be flying drones to fix people's appliances, drones that use AI to fix the appliance without the need for human intervention. At that point, the appliance repair company would simply exist to maintain and insure the drones that do all the work, and so there might actually only be one human employee in a 22nd-century appliance repair company, my grandson. This might be 100 years in the future though, now that I think of it, as twenty years seems unlikely. Speaking of AI, I used an AI image generator to create the photos you see here on this article, to see what AI itself thinks what appliance repair 1000 years in the future would look like. In fact, when I asked the AI directly what appliance repair 1000 years in the future would look like, this is what it created: Not to be too judgmental, but I think I could do a way better job of illustrating what appliance repair in the future would look like compared to this AI image, especially after considering that I'm a hardened appliance repair veteran with nearly 40 years of experience and all. We've covered briefly what appliance repair 20 to 100 years in the future would look like, with my grandson potentially insuring drones and whatnot, but my honest opinion about the difference that 1000 year could make might shock you.
I think the bulk of appliance repairs taking place in the year 3034 will be taking place in outer space, either in Moon and Mars dwellings or in spaceships, because we're already on track to become an interplanetary species within the next few centuries, as human survival may depend on it due to space debris collisions with Earth. I have sincere love for humanity, which is why I love my job so much because I get to help humans live more comfortably by fixing their appliances, so I really do hope we're an interplanetary species in 1000 years. If so, humans living in spaceships will still get body odor, will still have need to wash dishes if we haven't invented some new weird way of eating yet, and so therefore we'd still have need for machines of some kind that wash our clothes and dishes, not to mention machines that keep our food chilled and machines that cook our food. Today, we call these machines appliances. Today, they have no real intelligence behind them aside from the codes in their circuit boards that tell them how hot or cold to get on certain notches of the dial. In 1000 years, we might not even call these machines appliances anymore, and that's because they might be fully intelligent machines capable of making their own personalized decisions. In other words, we might call them robots. I've seen enough episodes of Futurama to imagine what a robot that can wash clothes inside its own stomach might look like, but rather than humanoid robots with AI these futuristic machines might still be stationary box-shapes but with AI integrated inside of them. They'll be synced to your humanoid robot assistances, however, so that the clothes washing and drying machine, the refrigerating and dishwashing machine (which might also be combined into one by now, if all these machines aren't already combined into one by now...), can send signals to each other to determine, based on the human user's need, what day the clothes should be washed, what temperature food should be chilled, and the humanoid robots will manage all this for you, so that the human owner simply needs to leave their dirty dishes on the table and their dirty clothes in the hamper. Next time they look at the table, it will be fully set with clean dishes, and next time they look at their hamper, the clothes will be cleaned and folded elsewhere in the clothes drawer. All this is to say that appliances combined with the aid of humanoid robots will make human life even more comfortable than it is today. Today, we still need to take our dirty dishes off the table and put them in the dishwasher with our own hands. But in 1000 years the dishwasher and refrigerator might be combined into the same machine and it will be condensed and much smaller because robots rather than humans will operate it and so there will be no need for buttons and interfaces. In 1000 years, while you're cruising through space in a spaceship and your clothes get stinky because you visited the treadmill, all you need to do is throw your stinky clothes in the hamper and the next time you find them you'll see them freshly cleaned and folded in your clothes drawer. This is how appliances will likely operate in 1000 years, but when it comes to repairing them the human aspect will also be removed. Like how today's human aspect of taking wet clothes out of the washer and putting them into the dryer will likely be replaced by humanoid robotic assistants, so too will the human aspect of fixing appliances when they malfunction. In fact, this means, because these finely-tuned AI robots manage your appliances for you, and because they run on a strict schedule optimized to your lifestyle, there might be no need to ever repair the appliances at all, because they'll never malfunction, because robots are constantly maintaining them, and other commercial robots are constantly maintaining and repairing your domestic robots! Perhaps there are clearer words to explain this vision, but if I tried to make it easier to understand I'd conclude by saying that appliances 1000 years in the future might never need repairs to begin with because robotic assistants who clear the table and cook the food will also be constantly maintaining the appliances needed for human comfort. Human comfort will increase as we have less chores in the domestic space, even if that domestic space is in a spaceship. If you have ideas to share about what you think appliance repair would look like 1000 years in the future then please share them in the comments. Thanks for reading The Appliance Repair Blog! From Chali, Tom, Tim, Fred, and all the other behind-the-scenes staff at Appliance Repair Victoria, we wish everyone in British Columbia a happy Victoria Day. Today, we want to celebrate the heritage of our city, Victoria, and all the sacrifice it took to build this glorious civilization we enjoy today. ![]() So, from the bottom of our hearts, Happy Victoria Day! If you read our very first blog post from Feb 22nd, 2024 - "Why is our business called Appliance Repair Victoria?" - then you would know that this day means a lot to us. Appliance Repair Victoria takes its name from not only the City of Victoria but Queen Victoria as well. And Victoria Day - or May 24th - actually used to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday, and until 1977 it was known as Commonwealth Day and it was a day celebrated across all the former colonies of the British Empire like Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand. A lot of the history that comes out of the Victorian Era is brutal and should not be repeated, but a lot of it is also very beautiful and lead to peace, prosperity, science, and understanding that Canada benefits from today. We here at Appliance Repair Victoria do not feel ashamed whatsoever to be in a company operating in a city all named after that glorious woman - Queen Victoria. Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. May the City of Victoria and all who share that name raise a smile on this wonderful day. And let's continue to make Victoria one of the best cities in the world to live in. Welcome to our new client case study series. This blog post is #1 in a new series that will focus on specific case studies of appliance repair jobs we did for clients around the island. We never used to take the time to film or photograph our jobs when fixing appliances but with the age of the internet upon us we discovered taking these photos and recording videos is great for sharing our services on social media. We want people like you seeing our website for the first time to look at what we do and say, "Hey, maybe I'll call these guys to fix my appliance, too." After all, Appliance Repair Victoria has been operating since 1988, and so we were repairing appliances around Victoria long before there were cameras on our pocket phones. Now that we're serving a younger generation who is owning their own appliances for the first time, we may be old but we're not stubborn enough as to refuse to move with the times. So if you're here because you saw us post on Instagram or searched for service on Facebook, then welcome! To show you what we're all about, our first client case study is going to show you how we repaired this client's clothes washing machine for the low cost of $75. The typical washer repair cost can range from $125 to $250 but because this problem was so simple to fix, which is sometimes the case for many clients, they only had to pay the initial $75 diagnosis fee. We had the spare part in our work van already and didn't bother charging for it because it's such a cheap easy part to replace, and the repair took little to no time at all. The appliance works great again, and here is how we did it: Do you see what's wrong with this appliance? It can be hard to spot from this angle because the light isn't sheening off the water all over the floor, but yeah there's water all over the floor. Now look at the same appliance from another angle to see why. The client called us stating that her washer was leaking. After pulling the washer out on sliders so we didn't damage the wet floor, we immediately saw what was wrong. The drain tube was detached. Upon further inspection, we saw that it had come detached because hair was clogging the filter. We cleaned the filter and quickly got the new aforementioned replacement part--a drain hose. Other case studies we'll show in the future will surely be the much more complex than this, as we don't get easy jobs like this every day, but this case study really illustrates what we said in our last blog post about repairs sometimes being as simple as replacing a single part. After replacing the hose, we turned the washer on and this is what we saw. The washer was working great again! The client ran some loads just to test it and was beyond pleased with the service and especially the low repair cost of only $75. We told her if the hose ever disconnects for some reason in the future again, we'll come fix it for free, because we provide a free 1 warranty on every repair. Lastly, here is an image of the new hose we attached. This washer we repaired was a GE appliance. But we also fix all brands of appliances, so no matter what's wrong with your washer and no matter what brand it is, we can fix it! And the repair might be as simple as replacing a single part! Thanks for reading and considering us. We always look forward to meeting new clients and applying our expertise to make appliances work great again. If you want to see even more about this client case study, check out this YouTube video we made about it: Thanks again for reading! We're always here, open 7 days week. So let us know if you have any questions about your appliances.
The difference between your appliance not working and your appliance working could be as simple as replacing a single part. We're honest about this when diagnosing appliances because we love saving our clients money. For example, if all your dryer needs is a new drive belt, we'll deliver the part and replace it for you.
Common appliance parts we replace during repair services include: control boards, circuit boards, fuses, door seals, gaskets, thermal fuses, defrost heaters, drain tubes, clutches, shock absorbers, evaporator fans, evaporator fan motors, door divider springs, belt tensioner pulleys, inlet hoses, condenser fans, range clocks, stove coils, float switches, igniters, burners, heating elements, pulsators, dryer baffles, water inlet valves, lightbulbs, LEDs, and the list doesn't stop there. We don't expect you to know what all this stuff is, but we're listing the common parts here to illustrate that if all your appliance needs is a new part then the cost of fixing it could be a lot lower than expected. Sometimes we can even repair a broken appliance part on the spot instead of needing to replace it. In either case, we look for the best solution when fixing appliances, which typically means replacing one part which is the most ideal for saving money. To find out what we can do to fix your appliance and what parts you might need to replace, order a diagnosis today. A member from our friendly staff can arrive to assess your appliance. We won't know until we get there, but the repair could be as simple as replacing a single part. The Benefit of Mobile Appliance Repair and How it Impacts People in Victoria BCEver since I started working at this company, seeing the wonders of mobile appliance repair has impacted me greatly. But today we're not writing about me. We're writing about how my coworkers and I believe fast and affordable appliance repair services helps our community and why we strive to make these services available. Older appliances that don't have a warranty can malfunction with wear overtime. When these appliances break down, it's easy to panic. But just like how a plumber is always there to fix a bursting a pipe or an electrician is there to to fix a disconnected wire, appliance repairmen are there with the right tools, knowledge and replacement parts to make sure the problem is fixed. Not every company will do it fast and affordably, however. At Appliance Repair Victoria, we like to see companies heling the community by being reliable with fair pricing. When a city block in Victoria BC has several households with appliances that aren't working, the effects compound and can be noticeable from an observant eye. If this city block didn't have affordably priced appliance repair services, one family might use the microwave for a week because they can't afford an oven repair, and a student walking down the street might have wrinkly clothes because her parents' dryer broke. We understand these problems, and enjoy the thought of helping our communities around lower Vancouver Island when we arrive in a timely manner, often even on the very same day the customer contacted us, and service the broken appliance so that it works again for its owners to enjoy. We see that these services benefit locals and have appositive impact. With fast and affordable appliance repair service that comes straight to your door anywhere in south Vancouver Island, the kids' soccer uniforms can be washed in time for the game; the oven can get hot enough to cook the Christmas turkey on grandma's favorite settings; the beverages in the fridge can stay cool on a long summer day; the roommates don't need to argue over who's doing the dishes tonight because the dishwasher works again! This is why we strive to make our service fast and affordable, for the simple reasons like these. The benefits of calling Appliance Repair Victoria is that our appliance repair services come fast and affordable on the same day. We service all brands and types of appliances, so you don't need to wonder if we service the specific brand of your appliance - because we do! We like to answer all your questions and provide a free cost estimate right over the phone. Our diagnosis fee is only $75 and then this goes towards the final repair cost. We also provide a free 1 year warranty on all repairs so that your cost covers all future repairs for up to a year, but we're confident you won't need to use the warranty because we're also reliable with 36 years of experience making broken appliances work like new again. The best part is, we come straight to your door, so you can get affordable appliance repair service in Victoria BC now. All you have to do is call (778) 400-2049.
Thanks for reading. Leave a comment down below about any other topics related to appliance repair you'd like us to discuss on our blog in the future. Today we want to tackle one of our other most frequently asked questions: "How much does appliance repair cost in Victoria BC?"
As appliance repair experts better known as "Appliance Repair Victoria", we're in a good position to answer this question accurately. The answer: The cost of appliance repair in Victoria BC depends on factors such as travel time, labor time, and replacement parts needed. We charge an initial $90 diagnosis fee (used to be $75) to determine what's wrong with your appliance, and then this fee goes towards your final bill for the repair, which typically ranges from $180 to $225 on average per appliance in Victoria BC. Additional info: Appliance repair should always cost less than 50% of the cost of purchasing a new appliance, if you wish to save the most money long-term. This is what we call the "50% rule". We're honest about this because, like we mention in our last blog post, we have a passion for customer satisfaction, and we like to be completely transparent with our clientele. Once we fix your appliance, it comes with a free 1 year warranty. And if you like our service and how affordable it is, please consider leaving us a review. We hope this information helps. The team at our Victoria-based company repairs household kitchen appliances with a passion for quality and customer satisfaction. While it's easy to say and read on paper, showing you can only be done first-hand. For now, our words will have to suffice, until the moment you need household kitchen appliance repair in Victoria BC and call (778) 400-2049 to see the truth first-hand. If we were to pretend words suffice, we'd explain all the reasons why we're passionate about quality and customer satisfaction. Like in our last blog post, the reasoning behind what we're saying has a lot to do with our history in the city of Victoria itself. We understand that our business wouldn't exist without Victoria and all the wonderful people who live here and use our services. Now we know it sounds corny that we strive for quality and customer satisfaction because we're grateful, it's still true. We're also looking to make Victoria a better place to live, be it for a new family or grandparents who have been here for decades. And if we can make Victoria better starting in the household kitchen, then that's what we'll do, and that's what we've been doing since 1988.
We're passionate about quality and customer satisfaction when providing household kitchen appliance repair services because (1) we want to pay back our communities for their decades of loyal business, (2) we want to make Victoria a better place to live, starting in the kitchen, and (3) it's simply what we're good at. While we make a conscious effort to see that our repairs are of high quality to satisfy our customers, our passion for the most part takes the reins for us, making it easy to provide quality because it's all we can do. Chali T. the owner, as he stares over my shoulder as I write this on a slower day than usual, thinks it would honestly be harder to force bad quality work than it would to effortlessly provide quality work, because that's the power that passion has. Think of a book writer's passion for storytelling, for example. A book writer with a passion for good stories would suffer internally by producing a bad story, just like how a household kitchen appliance repairman would suffer internally from performing poorly on a job. We hope this all makes sense and helps to convince you of our passion, but like we said at the beginning of this post we also know that words don't suffice. So if you're ready to see passionate household kitchen appliance repair first-hand, get in touch with Appliance Repair Victoria today, and we'll show you. Thanks for reading our blog. The reason behind our business name...It's no secret our company provides appliance repair service in Victoria BC. But there's more than just that to explain the reason behind our branding. Like our service results, we wish to be as straightforward and transparent with our clients as possible. We don't beat around the bush when it comes to presenting tailored solutions to our customers in need of them. We're honest and straight to the point. And so is our business name.
Our company is called Appliance Repair Victoria because we see ourselves as the ultimate solution to all appliance repair needs in Victoria. However, there's a bit of history behind the choosing of our business name that we've never shared publicly before. But we're sharing it here, today, on our very first blog post, for the world to know. The real reason we chose Appliance Repair Victoria as the name of our company is the same reason the City of Victoria itself was name. In fact, when creating our business model back in 1988, we even considered name the company "Queen Victoria Appliance Repair". Also, "Appliance Repair, Victoria!" was a consideration, but, like we said, we like to get straight to the point, so "Appliance Repair Victoria" was our final choice, and it's the same name we've had for nearly 40 years. Queen Victoria died in the year 1901. We weren't alive when that happened, but our grandparents were, and they made sure we knew about it. Queen Victoria was often described as being warmhearted and friendly. That's exactly how we strive to be when we serve our customers. We're grateful for the amazing city, and want to show that thanks by paying homage to its history and heritage. We love Queen Victoria, and without her, we wouldn't have such an awesome business name. So thank you Queen Victoria, for being the inspiration behind the naming of our glorious, clean, and cultured city, and for inspiring history to create such a lovely city in the first place. And thank you, our beloved reader, for caring enough to read and for visiting our new blog. We hope to turn this blog into an informative source for appliance-related consumer information over the years to come, so stay tuned. |
The writersThis blog is written by several members of the team at Appliance Repair Victoria, south Vancouver Island's appliance fixing pros since 1988. Archives
June 2024